9 quintessential tips to easily defeat recruiters who are looking for bank clerks

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Currently, banking is one of the hottest industry groups because of its high promotion opportunities and attractive pay rate. However, to successfully conquer recruiters in the banking field and to best handle the process of bank clerk recruitment is not easy, the candidate must carefully prepare the information and fully understand how to answer the interview questions. Let's refer to the 9 following quintessential tips with Navigos Search to be more confident when applying for any vacancies in the banking industry. 

1. Conduct in-depth research about the bank you would like to apply for

Finding out the information about the bank you are applying for will help with your calm state of mind and confidently express yourself when it comes to difficult questions from the recruiters. When you have in-depth research for the information about the bank, the recruiters will see you as a serious person who really loves the job, which creates a better first impression and they will have a better sympathy for you. As a result, your chances of passing the interview will be higher.

The most important information you need to know is: the name of the bank; the history of formation and development; the goals and core values of the bank.

When you have this essential information correctly, you will have impressive answers to seemingly simple interview questions that recruiters ask such as: “Do you know anything about our bank?”, “Why are you applying for this position?”…

Candidates need to conduct research for information about the bank they intend to apply for

Candidates need to conduct research for information about the bank they intend to apply for

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2. Be fully aware of the nature of the position you are applying for

Candidates need to identify the nature of the position they are applying for. In addition to grasping the day-to-day tasks, you need to consider the skills that a bank clerk should have. Compare your skills and try to improve or fulfill the missing elements.

Researching about the job in advance also helps you have better preparation for career-related answers that recruiters will ask during the interview process.

Some questions that bank recruiters often ask to survey a candidate's understanding of the job are:

  • How do you understand the nature of the job of a bank teller?
  • In your opinion, what are the requirements to become a trader?
  • In case there happens an incurred problem, as a debt settlement specialist, how will you solve it?

3. Constantly update economic and market knowledge

If you would like to be a professional bank clerk, keeping up to date with financial information is essential. Capturing the latest macroeconomic information, data, and fluctuations in Vietnam and international markets helps you make an impression and definitely score some points with recruiters.

You can keep yourself up-to-date by watching financial - banking news on television, find out information through media channels, electronic press such as CafeF, VnEconomy, ... specializing in the field of finance - banking products or specialized magazines.

Be proactive with updating economic and market knowledge

Be proactive with updating economic and market knowledge

4. Be well-prepared with frequently asked interview questions

In order to make a good impression on recruiters who are looking for bank clerks or to successfully handle the process of bank clerk recruitment, you should prepare in advance for frequently asked interview questions. Here are some interview questions in the field of banking for your reference.

Do you feel pressured to handle large amounts of money? How do you deal with the stress associated with high-volume work?

How to answer: Yes! I always try to be accurate and double check every trade that I am responsible for during the day over and over again at the end of my shift. As a highly organized and disciplined person, I am confident that I can handle large volumes of work efficiently and on schedule. My work habit is to make a personal work plan each day and try my best to follow and complete it.

When a customer gets angry, what do you do to deal with the situation? 

How to answer: With the motto of serving as  "Customer is King", I will try to reassure the customer first and then professionally and skillfully communicate to solve the customer's problem in the most harmonious way. From my own experience, I believe that patiently listening to the opinions of customers even though they are angry will definitely find a solution that both satisfies customers and ensures the interests and principles of the bank.

How do you convince someone to become your bank's customer?

How to answer: With my communication and persuasion skills combined with my knowledge of banking procedures, I am confident that I will serve clients professionally. When customers are served attentively and wholeheartedly, they will feel that becoming a customer of the bank is the right choice and feel confident in the quality of finance that our bank brings to that customer.

Why do you apply to work at our bank? 

How to answer: I am also a customer of the bank and I am satisfied with the high-quality services you are offering. I would like to spread this quality service to many other customers, and at the same time contribute to the bank's development with my experience and expertise.

5. Prepare for the required skills

The positions in the banking industry are very diverse with different experience and expertise requirements. Therefore, in order to conquer the process of bank clerk recruitment as well as make your job at the bank always convenient and promote your capacity, you must prepare important skills from the time you are in college and then at work, such as: financial background, solid banking knowledge; office information; communication; tam work; foreign language proficiency; ability to be independent and self-directed at work,...

Besides, you also need to practice meticulousness and caution at work. Because working in the field of finance and banking, you need to have honesty, transparency, trustworthiness, team spirit and a high work ethic. In addition, if you have a good appearance, you have higher chances to take on certain positions.


Prepare for the necessary skills of a bank clerk

Prepare for the necessary skills of a bank clerk

6. Make photocopy and bring a copy of your CV/resumé

In the procedure of bank clerk recruitment, the recruiters have received your CV from the application round. Even if they already know the candidate information by heart, you should still bring a copy of your CV or resume. Because in some cases, your CV gets mixed up in many CVs of other candidates or is difficult to find on computer emails,...

Carrying your CV/resumé shows that you are a complete person and are always prepared for any situation. 

7. Neat, polite and professional attire

Banking is a working environment that requires employees to dress politely and neatly. So, when you show up at an interview, you should dress like a real bank clerk. If you are a male, you should wear a white shirt, vest, tie and business casual shoes. If you are a female, put on a white long-sleeved shirt with a skirt or trousers, and black high heels.

Absolutely avoid wearing T-shirts, jeans, colorful clothes because these clothes do not show seriousness and professionalism. And for female candidates, put on light makeup to look brighter and fresher, helping recruiters have a better impression on you. In addition, confidence is also an important factor to help candidates shine in the interview.

8. Be punctual for the interview

Arriving on time for the interview is the most basic level of politeness you can offer, showing respect to the recruiter and showing the candidate's professional demeanor.

In the process of bank clerk recruitment,  recruiters will not appreciate it when they see candidates coming late and not scheduled for an interview without a valid reason. This one point alone makes you judged as a slow, unprofessional individual in the first place. 

Therefore, carefully calculate the commute time from home to the interview location, leave early to avoid traffic jams and problems that might arise. It is best to arrive 15 minutes earlier than the appointment time to prepare mentally and best dress before entering the interview.

Being on time for the interview helps you score points with the recruiter

Being on time for the interview helps you score points with the recruiter

9. Turn off your phone/turn on silent mode during the interview

Before entering the in-person interview room, make sure you have turned off your phone or set it to silent mode. Any recruiter feels uncomfortable when in the middle of an interview, they are interrupted by the candidate's phone ringing sound. 

Besides, the candidate himself will also have difficulty answering the interview questions when being interrupted by the phone ringing which might make you forget the answer or the ideas you are about to present.

The above tips are not only useful for those who participate in the bank clerk recruitment process but also helpful for many other fields such as economics, finance, etc. You should prepare well mentally for a successful interview and score points with recruiters with your outstanding abilities. Navigos Search wishes you success!

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