A career journey named organizational management

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Becoming a business administrator is the expectation of many people, but not everyone has a smooth and favorable journey

On the way to becoming an organizational administrator, you definitely need to understand what management is, who the administrator is and the work to be performed, the necessary conditions. Understanding this, Navigos Search will synthesize full information about the administrative position for you to easily track and grasp. Do not miss it!

1. About governance

Corporate governance is the person who organizes and administers the work within the assigned scope and is responsible for the results achieved. 

The title of the administrator may vary, depending on the scope of responsibility, the area of responsibility. They can be the chief executive officer , chief executive officer, deputy general manager, etc.

The basic duties of an administrator are as follows:

  • Planning: Defines the organization's goals and outlines ways and strategies to achieve them.
  • Organization: The process of establishing a structure of relationships that helps people execute well on the plan set out and meet the development goals of the organization.
  • Leadership : Includes activities that motivate people to do the work necessary to get the job done with top results.
  • Check and evaluate: Monitor the performance results and evaluate the achieved performance, make adjustments for deviations from the set work goals.

Management concept

2. Necessary and sufficient conditions to sit in the administrative chair

Certainly, management positions will need people with solid ability and experience and many other factors. As follows:

Capacity and experience

This is the top condition of a talented business administrator. When applying for this position, you must be well-trained by university leaders with majors such as Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Communication, Marketing, Public Relations,... 

Depending on the administrative position, you must have a certain number of years of work experience. For example, a position with a senior leadership title such as deputy general director , executive director, or chief operating officer needs to have at least 5 years of working experience or more in a similar position. Being well-trained and having solid experience in the profession is the foundation to help managers manage well, make the right development strategy as well as bring the highest results to the business.


Great leadership will help you direct and follow everything to ensure the best product quality and results. In terms of people management, leadership will help create the credibility of the administrator. Once you are respected by your subordinates and have the consensus of everyone, you will definitely go further in your career path.

Deep understanding and constant learning

Of course, the leader will not be able to run the business well without a solid knowledge of the field of operation and business of his unit. 

In addition to knowledge in the field and industry of the business, you also have to read more books, research foreign documents or from your own partners and customers to absorb new knowledge and progress. The most important thing is that you must have a spirit of constantly learning to improve your knowledge and be ready to update new knowledge.

Strategic vision

As a manager, foresight is essential because your main job goal is to lead the team up. You must not use the old-fashioned thinking because that will be the optimal solution for the present moment, not the future. 

You need to keep up to date with market trends and active industries to make the right, risky decisions. Be prepared to take risks to make a difference and achieve more future success for your organization.

Essentials for a successful career

High sense of responsibility

Running a business is an easy job for an administrator. You run employees who do a good job, but the results fail. At this point, what will you do? Do you put all the blame on employees and claim that they are not productive? Or do you take responsibility for yourself? 

A good leader will dare to stand up for his mistakes, take responsibility for every decision made. So, when making a decision, you should consider it carefully and be decisive with that decision. That is the sense of responsibility required in a professional administrator.


A business strategy may work today, but tomorrow it will be different. A good manager is always aware of that and must know how to adapt and accept changes quickly. Try to stay up to date with the latest skills, technologies and methods to advance both your work and your business.

Some other skills

It can be said that becoming an administrator requires many factors. In addition to the above conditions, you also have to hone a lot of other qualities such as mastering work support tools, top-notch negotiation and persuasion, communication, listening, planning ability, organization function, inspire,....

3. What do you get as an administrator?

Along with strict requirements in the profession are well-deserved benefits. In the management position, you will train yourself with top skills and qualities. Each senior management position will have different income levels, but the number you earn every month will be very attractive. In addition, there are opportunities to expand relationships, the ability to reach out to the market, expand career advancement, ...

The benefits received are very attractive

4. Address to apply for top management positions

To successfully apply for an administrative position, you can apply your CV on the websites of recruitment service outsourcing companies or directly contact the company providing high-level human resources services for helpful assistance. benefit from headhunter.

Once caught in the "eyes" of the "head hunters", you will quickly find the right company and business and have the opportunity to receive a salary of thousands of dollars. At the same time, when signing a contract with headhunters, besides receiving an ideal salary, you can also develop to new heights. In particular, Navigos Search is the leading prestigious headhunter brand in Vietnam today.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field of providing high-level personnel and owning a team of professional recruitment consultants , fully understanding the value of human resources, deeply understanding each core industry, Navigos Search always ready to support candidates, provide quality job advice , discuss with candidates about the most suitable employer. After the candidate is selected, the specialist continues to closely monitor and support during the process of “Success after joining”.

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