A set of skills to help admissions counselors stay firmly in the profession

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Admissions counselor is a hot job among many candidates because of its attractive salary, dynamic working environment, and many promotion opportunities. If you are passionate about this profession and are learning about the secret of getting hired, follow the following shares of Navigos Search. You will get a helpful handbook for finding jobs and conquering recruiters!

1. What is an admissions counselor?

An admissions counselor is a person who searches and advises students and parents on training programs and courses to increase the number of students for the unit. By providing students with courses, the admissions counselor will generate revenue and contribute to the success of the institution or training center.

An admissions counselor is a person who searches and advises on training programs and courses

2. What are the responsibilities of an admissions counselor?

Below is the job description for this position:

  • Search and attract students and parents wishing to register for classes through available data, information channels and social networks.
  • Actively interact on social networks to advertise the course to increase the number of customers.
  • Counsel and answer questions from students and parents about the course content and regulations.
  • Announce promotional policies, tuition reductions, and tuition support.
  • Receive applications, welcome and assist students with registration procedures for completing the course registration process.
  • Summarize and update the list of student records to report to superiors.
  • Survey and consider the input of students and parents to propose changes for improving the training quality and helping the unit develop better.
  • Remind students about class and exam schedules.
  • Coordinate with other departments to implement enrollment consulting programs, events, and extracurricular activities.
  • Actively learn about education regulations and training trends.

3. Indispensable skills of an admissions counselor

Currently, most recruiters require candidates to graduate from College or higher with majors in pedagogy, education, and science. Besides, candidates must also meet the requirements of experience, skills, and qualities, specifically:

Knowledgeable in counseling

Knowledge of counseling is the foundation and tool to help candidates practice the best. No matter how good your skills are, you can't do your job well if you don't have basic knowledge and don't understand the counseling process. Therefore, the person undertaking this position must prepare knowledge about courses, training programs, counseling procedures, and must-do work to answer all questions and meet the needs of students. Having solid knowledge will help admissions counselors be more confident and proactive in their work.

The admissions counselor job requires candidates to be knowledgeable about the product and course provided. If you do not understand them clearly, it will lead to counseling the wrong major and subject compared to the needs and aspirations of students and parents.
Admissions counselors also need to be flexible in finding and updating data continuously because the nature of the profession is always highly competitive. With the strong development of the Internet, you must apply online and offline advertising to turn subscribers into students for schools and centers.

View more: The secret to becoming an excellent sales specialist

This position requires knowledge of counseling

Flexible communication

The counseling job requires flexible communication skills and appropriate use of words. Admissions counselors must contact, work with customers, counsel, and introduce centers and courses. Skillful communication will help the counselor win the hearts of students and customers. From there, they can build trust and get more favorable conditions in providing courses and maintaining relationships with students and parents.
This flexibility is reflected in quickly answering questions and meeting the aspirations of students (customers). However, you can't always say "yes" to the customer, so being attentive, quick, and tactful in communication will help you handle the situation effectively.

Active listening

During the counseling process, don't only focus on "selling" the course or service you want to provide, but also interact and listen to customers more so that they feel respected and cared for. Listening sincerely and using body language skillfully shows customers that you are actively listening. Don't forget to ask open questions to exploit the wishes and aspirations of students' learning needs, thereby recommending other product packages.

Building trust

You should not only focus on "selling" the course but also care about customer expectations. Do not counsel in a way that forces students or parents to register for a course for their child. Instead, focus on listening to solve the problems they are facing by giving helpful advice about the course appropriate to their budget, location, study time, and teacher. When customers wonder whether to register, they assuredly have a need. Build trust by stating your commitment to results and learning benefits to close a sale successfully.

The ability to understanding customers’ psychology and persuade

Understanding psychology is always one of the critical factors for successful counseling. Every customer feels satisfied when the counselor understands them. Understanding will help you give advice and the right choice of courses and training programs for them. From there, the process of persuasion and closing a sale takes place faster.
Besides, with the current focus and investment on learning, training centers have sprung like mushrooms. Featuring top-notch persuasion skills, highlighting different advantages compared to other centers will help counselors get many records to increase the number of students for the unit. Practice and accumulate more practical experience to acquire this skill and conquer successful admissions counselor jobs.

Counselors must grasp customers' psychology well

Skills in managing work scientifically

Besides counseling, counselors also have to be in charge of other tasks such as managing student records, participating in extracurricular activities, answering questions, etc. The workload is relatively heavy, and a scientific work schedule will help you divide your time reasonably to ensure the best completion of all tasks. Possessing these skills, you also become more professional and trustworthy in the eyes of students and leaders. It is also a premise to help you develop your career better. Prioritize the most crucial tasks and try to get them done. Then, take turns working on less important tasks to report to your superiors promptly.

Patience and ability to work well under pressure

In the counseling process, you may encounter different easy-going and fastidious customers. This requires you to be patient, control your personal emotions, and persevere. Show that you are a dedicated, enthusiastic, and responsible person at work to build trust from everyone. The admissions counseling profession is considered a job pleasing everyone. Thus, the pressure and stress from work, customers, and the working unit is a common occurrence.

Specifically, you will face pressure on fastidious customers, high educational requirements, or pressure on sales from superiors, deadlines, etc. A professional admissions counselor must work well under pressure and always find the most reasonable and fastest way to solve the problem in all circumstances. In addition to the above most critical skills, some admissions counselor recruiters also require candidates to have additional elements of appearance, honesty when counseling, and the ability to develop relationships at work. 

4. Remuneration regime

To become an admissions counselor, you must meet numerous qualifications and skill requirements. However, the remuneration is attractive. The current average salary of this position is about 6 - 8 million VND/month. Depending on the scale of operation of each unit, plus the revenue from counseling work, this number increases a lot.
In addition, there are many other benefits such as a high bonus, travel, insurance, and leave. If you have high counseling capacity and many years of experience, you will have lots of promotion opportunities to other high positions.

The remuneration is attractive

5. Finding a job as an admissions counselor at Navigos Search

If you are confident in your ability and passionate about counseling, do not hesitate to send your CV to Navigos Search - the leading  headhunter company in Vietnam. Established in 2002, Navigos Search is a part of Navigos Group- the largest traffic recruitment website in Vietnam - Vietnamworks. With a huge data volume of 5,000,000+ recruiter accounts, our headhunters have supported candidates in finding jobs as admissions counselors and in many other fields. Our advantage is featuring the largest team of consultants with diverse professional experience and a network of close relationships in their respective fields. Based on a methodical recruitment process, the candidate's capacity, experience, and labor market development, our experts are always ready to support candidates and advise them on the most suitable job and recruiter.

After the candidate gets a nod for the job, we will continue to accompany businesses and candidates throughout the process of "success after achieving the dream job".
Furthermore, with a comprehensive database, we're confident we are the best talent hunting company specializing in middle and senior-level personnel in Vietnam for businesses looking for the next talent generation. With 375,000+ high-level candidate profiles and a modern work process, we are committed to filling all vacancies in your business as soon as possible. Towards sustainable development for Vietnam, we are currently focusing on the long-term vision "Towards success after joining". We not only pay attention to the current success but also the long-term success in the future.

Navigos Search - Vietnam's leading middle and high-level talent hunting company

If your business needs to recruit personnel, or you long to find a job as a quality admissions counselor, don't hesitate to contact us. The candidate will have the dream job within reach, and the business has the best factor!

Navigos Search - Vietnam's leading 
middle and high-level talent hunting company


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