How to recruit lab technicians effectively

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For effective laboratory operation, a staff with solid knowledge is indispensable. To build a qualified staff, you must ensure the input of personnel for your laboratory right from the recruitment step, thereby training them to perfect the personnel apparatus.

The question is how to do that. In this article, we will provide you with some great tips to recruit lab technicians. Let’s take a look at it!

1. The definition of lab technician

Lab technicians, also known as laboratory technicians, are responsible for assisting in the implementation of scientific experiments, and research and development experiments in the fields of medicine, engineering, chemicals, and education. They also operate, provide, maintain and support equipment for scientists or experimenters.

Lab technicians are also known as laboratory technicians

Lab technicians are also known as laboratory technicians 

2. Detailed job description of a lab technician

A lab technician has the following responsibilities:

  • Maintain laboratory instruments, including adjusting, cleaning, and disinfecting them to ensure that lab users can use them anytime.
  • Perform routine testing to ensure equipment is working efficiently and correctly.
  • Check materials regularly to ensure that the laboratory always has enough materials for daily operations, namely disposable materials and tools such as chemicals and reagents.
  • Advise and guide science staff and teachers on the correct use of the equipment and introduce new methods and tools to them.
  • The detailed job of laboratory technician will be varied, depending on the specialty and purpose of that laboratory. Specifically:
  • In the industrial and manufacturing field (petrochemical industry, textile industry, plastic production, agribusiness, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic production): Work in specialized chemistry laboratories with the main task of checking the quality of raw materials, intermediate products, and finished products.
  • In the healthcare field(biomedical labs in hospitals, clinics, and other units): Analyze body tissues and fluids, then make blood and immunology tests.
  • In the environment field: Perform chemical and microbiological analysis on soil, water, and air samples to determine their composition to analyze pollutants.
  • Science laboratories at universities and research centers: Prepare tools for students, instruct them on how to use the tool, handle problems that occur during the process, and how to maintain laboratory equipment.

The detailed job of lab technician will be varied

The detailed job of lab technician will be varied

3. Outline the necessary requirements

Operational skills

A laboratory technician will take many operational-related responsibilities, specifically as follow:

  • Handle problems machinery-related such as microscopes, incubators, freezers, and heaters.
  • Collect, analyze and send test results to senior staff.
  • Disinfect the device.
  • Decontaminate reusable medical equipment.
  • Adjust and maintain fragile laboratory equipment most safely.
  • Periodically test devices to assess their effectiveness.
  • Therefore, the skills in operating laboratory equipment to help them operate with high efficiency is the prerequisite of this position.
  • Knowledge of various types of equipment

Professional knowledge is essential in any field, and lab technicians are no exception. Solid expertise helps to handle the job quickly and thoroughly without being surprised during the working processDepending on the field, candidates must equip themselves with different specialized knowledge.

Furthermore, the lab requires employees to be knowledgeable about all the equipment in the laboratory. This will help them perform their job handily and keep everything under control.

Excellent communication skills

Regardless of the field, candidates must have good communication skills to communicate effectively at work. The lab technicians play the role of effective assistants. They will have to communicate and work with colleagues in the laboratory and many experts and researchers. Being confident, friendly, and approachable with everyone will help them climb the career ladder quickly.

Good time management skills

Good time management will help lab technicians complete assigned tasks efficiently and quickly. First, they must know how to organize their to-do list. Then, keep track of the task at hand and prioritize the important ones. From there, they will arrange the time for work in the most balanced way.

Outline the candidate's requirements

Outline the candidate's requirements

Problem-solving skills

Working in a laboratory requires employees to have the acumen to deal with unexpected situations at work. Arming themselves with good problem-solving skills will help them calmly find the most effective solution like problems with lab equipment, staff injuries during practice, etc. Having a calm attitude will help lab technicians handle issues most effectively.

4. Include future career prospects

Lab technicians are a great career choice, especially for those with well-trained chemistry, biology, or medicine. Although this job has high requirements and principles, in return, the laboratory technicians are the ones who significantly contribute to research and invention and partly build meaningful scientific works.

The world is in a period of rapid technological development and constant change. Thus, the demand for education, health, and science is significantly high, and laboratories increasingly appear to best serve human needs. Meanwhile, the workforce in this field is still scarce.

Therefore, if you apply for a laboratory technician position, you will get an attractive salary. Besides, the benefits are many times larger than other professions. In the future, this job promises to increase rapidly. As a result, this career has great prospects in the future.

5. Highlight the benefits of the job

This profession requires many intellectual materials, so the benefits and salary regime are relatively attractive. Specifically as follows:

  • Attractive salary: A lab technician has a relatively high salary, about 15 million VND/month. For those with many years of experience, this number increases much higher. For creators, they will be free to work on their initiative.
  • Lots of development opportunities: About career progression, many people have gradually become main technicians, senior technicians, and laboratory managers. There are many opportunities for career development, which will increase according to the seniority and professional qualifications of the staff. In addition, employees with more senior experience often receive specialized training to improve their qualifications.
  • Opportunities for learning new skills and taking the lead in research: Some job duties allow them to frequently move to other labs where they will learn new skills and techniques in different fields. This makes them pioneers in research and offers the opportunity to work on a range of major projects and take on more responsibilities.
  • Flexible working hours: Lab technicians can work irregular hours. They can have flexible working hours. For example, they can start their work before 9 am if there are classes and stay late to make sure equipment is put away and cleaned. If they supervise undergraduate students on projects or theses, they may be required to do extra work in addition to school hours. However, they must complete the assigned tasks well whether the working hours are fixed or flexible.

6. Find good lab technicians at Navigos Search

Recruiting personnel through reputable headhunter companies is the first choice of most businesses and corporations. Established in 2002, Navigos Search is currently Vietnam's leading headhunter company in Vietnam with more than 20 years of experience in the recruitment market.

Navigos Search - Công ty săn nhân tài cấp trung và cấp cao hàng đầu Việt Nam

Navigos Search - Vietnam's leading middle and high-level talent hunting company 

Navigos Search is a part of Navigos Group- the number 1 recruitment website in Vietnam - Vietnamworks. With a huge data volume of 375,000+ high-level candidates, 85,000+ senior management candidates(Senior manager, C-level), and more than 5,000,000+ recruiter accounts, our team of headhunters has supported clients in all industries.

Besides, thanks to the experienced team of consultants who are deeply knowledgeable in any industry and the strict working process to ensure the best quality information have helped us reach new heights in customer service quality, leading in the field of recruiting middle and senior-level personnel in Vietnam.

Our recruitment solutions are:

Contingent Search: Our dedicated team of consultants will always work closely with you from the start of the search to the acceptance of the candidate.  

Retained Search: We assign a dedicated team to assist with your requirements. Retained search can work well for all levels that you need, and we have a 100% fill rate, so success with us is guaranteed. 
RPO Services: An Recruitment Process Outsourcing engagement will result in faster, higher-quality hires and improved business results. Equipped you with a dedicated on-site staff of recruitment professionals dedicated to your business.

Japan Desks: All consultants have extensive knowledge and experience in recruitment in the Japanese market, and we also have Japanese native consultants to assist you with your hiring strategy.

Our team of consultants is very professional

If your business needs to recruit lab technicians in Can Tho or HCMC, find personnel at any positions; or you are looking for a job that matches your ability, don't hesitate to contact us as per the following information:

  • HCM Headquarters: 20th Floor, Central Building, 11 Doan Van Bo, Ward 13, District 4
  • Hanoi Headquarters: V. Building - 125 Ba Trieu street, Hai Ba Trung District
  • Hotline: 1800 585 826
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