Which are the hot jobs in 2023 that attract the labor force the most?

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For industries with great recruitment demand, businesses do not hesitate to pay high salaries and attractive remuneration to attract the best talent.

Income level is one of the most important factors influencing the career choices of all of us. Have you ever wondered which the hot jobs in 2023 that attract the labor force the most are? 

Let's find out the answer with Navigos Search through the article below. Through which, you will know the hot jobs in 2023 to have a better future orientation and earn an "eight figure" salary.

1. Finance - Investment

The economy is in a period of transformation and integration, leading to a currency conversion that must ensure continuous operation to promote economic development. Therefore, the demand for human resources in the Finance - Investment industry will not decrease.

Currently, many large corporations in the world such as Microsoft, LG, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Honda, etc. have chosen Vietnam as a place to develop their operation plans. These units are in dire need of workers with deep understanding of the financial - economic and investment markets in Vietnam and neighboring areas.

So, if you firmly grasp professional knowledge, you will have the opportunity to bring in an attractive income in this finance - investment field with hot positions such as financial analyst, asset appraiser, asset specialist, financial planner, risk manager, lecturer,...

Finance - Investment is one of the highest paying professions today. For positions of department head, management level and above, the income level is from 20 to 70 million VND/month.

Top 5 hottest jobs today

2. Information technology

Information technology personnel is a special target group that companies and businesses focus on recruiting. However, a high-quality team is always a barrier because there is still a big gap between the quality and quantity of workers working at the enterprise. For that situation, there are many businesses that offer not only high salary but also many attractive remuneration regimes to attract and retain talents.

Mr. Ngo Tan Dat - Head of IT business management department at Navigos Search said that human resources in this industry are focusing on developing their capacity and learning new technologies for themselves. Therefore, businesses must also ensure that they are constantly updated with new technology as well as receiving appropriate mental health care...

Some prominent jobs in the information technology industry are information technology project manager, information technology engineer, programmer, IT specialist, information technology director,... An IT staff can have an average income level of 15-25 million VND/month, but for the positions of department head and manager, the amount can be up to 50-100 million VND/month.

See now the jobs in information technology software, information technology equipment and systems, hardware - network are being posted at Navigos Search

3. Marketing

In the era of extremely fierce economic competition, a series of businesses opened many similar products and services. So, how can businesses make a difference to attract a large number of potential customers? The answer is that businesses must have a professional marketing team. This is the reason why the marketing industry is increasingly attracting a large number of young people to choose and become one of the hot jobs in 2023. While companies and businesses are still growing, the marketing industry would grow even stronger.

According to statistics from the Electronic Journal of Vietnamese Talent, by 2025, the Marketing industry will need about 21,600 employees or more per year. The results of the Vietnam online human resource survey also show that the marketing industry continues to lead in the fields with the highest demand for human resources.

In recent years, a high demand in marketing human resources has appeared and this profession is also considered to be in high demand with attractive salaries. Marketing job seekers have a variety of career options such as public relations, content, online marketing, communications, brand management, customer relations, ...

4. Medical - Pharmaceutical 

According to a report of the Ministry of Health, since 2011, Vietnam has entered the period of population aging. It is forecasted that by 2030, the proportion of elderly people will account for 18% and increase to 26% by 2050. Population aging is happening rapidly, which means that the need for health care and medication use increases without cease. In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic is a testament to the importance of the pharmaceutical industry.

The nature of Medical and Pharmaceutical is that the training time is quite long and the entry points are high. To train a nurse, it can take about 4-5 years, a qualified General Doctor needs 5-8 years,.... Besides, there are many other positions such as Doctors, Dentists, X-ray technicians, Pharmacists... They work in hospitals, clinics, health centers, or open private pharmacies, private clinics...

The salary of this industry will depend on the rank and other factors such as working location, experience, and working unit. For example, a nurse receives 6-9 million VND/month; fully qualified doctors receive 15-25 million VND/month,...

CYou may be interested in: The hottest Medical - Pharmaceutical job positions 2023 

High-paid & hot jobs in 2023 

5. Tourism - Hospitality 

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh - Deputy Director of the Hospitality Department said that Vietnam strives to be in the group of 3 leading tourism development countries in Southeast Asia by 2025; group of 50 countries with high tourism competitiveness globally; creating 5.5 - 6 million jobs. It is expected that by 2030, tourism will be a key economic sector, bringing Vietnam into the group of 30 globally competitive countries and creating 8.5 million job opportunities.

Tourism - Hospitality opens up huge job opportunities for career enthusiasts. With the opportunity to advance through the ranks, you can start with the position of consultant, receptionist, then become a specialist, hotel manager, sales manager, customer care, analyst and product development manager, company services, tour operators…

Starting salary for the position of staff and receptionist is 6 to 8 million VND/month; with heads of departments, managers you get from 15-25 million VND/month,...

Opportunity to quickly apply for jobs in tourism and hospitality jobs right here

6. Real estate 

Real estate is an industry with high growth rates for many years and promises to continue to grow strongly. It has become one of the hot jobs in 2023 and the career choice of many young people.

Accordingly, if you have expertise, you can work as a real estate broker yourself or apply for the position of an employee or manager at a transaction office or a real estate company. Real estate job positions include real estate agent, real estate appraiser, real estate assistant, sales manager, ...

The current base salary of real estate employees is from 5 to 7 million VND/month, the head of the department is from 8 to 20 million VND/month,... With good capacity, solid experience and high work efficiency, people working in this industry can get an unlimited salary.

7. Banking

In the early days of 2023, large and small banks are in high demand for recruitment such as Vietcombank, VietinBank, VietCapitalBank, HDBank, OCB,...

According to Ms. Ngo Thi Ngoc Lan - Director of the Northern Region of Navigos Search, the simultaneous implementation of digitization by banks has made human resources to convert already limited capital to become even more scarce. The economy is in a period of transformation and integration, so the currency conversion must be operated continuously and accurately to support economic development. That is also the reason why the demand for labor resources in the banking industry is constantly increasing.

After having a bachelor's degree in Banking, you will easily take up banking jobs or apply for many other related jobs to gain more experience and develop yourself if you plan to start up your own company.

Banking is also one of the hot jobs in 2023 with a high salary

8. Languages

With the current trend of world integration, job opportunities in the foreign language field are extremely open, especially when more and more international businesses invest and locate in Vietnam. Meanwhile, most professions today are also associated with foreign languages, especially English.

After graduating with a major in Foreign Languages, students can apply for specific jobs such as: language researcher, translator, interpreter, media specialist or tour guides working for travel agents, consultants at travel agencies, English teachers, language teachers at schools or language centers, ....

Because they receive a lot of attention and welcome, jobs with foreign language elements often have high salaries, candidates get at least 7 million / month. Depending on the job requirements and work experience, the salary can be much higher.

9. Graphic designer

Graphic design is an important field that exists in almost every profession today. Graphic design products are highly artistic publications that require expertise that we can see everywhere such as billboards, product packaging, images, communication web interface, etc. Therefore, it is not surprising that design, architecture, and interior jobs are among the top hot jobs in 2023.

Candidates who are well-trained in the design major are able to work in many fields with many different positions such as: graphic design, 3D graphic design, cartoon graphic design, communication graphics, game design, ... Depending on your capacity and working experience, you can take on the position of employee or head of design department, design director/art director,...

A novice graphic designer can receive from 6 to 9 million VND/month, the head of the design department gets 15-25 million VND/month, the director in this field can reach hundreds of millions of VND per month. 

10. Sales

In today's competitive environment, any business wants to diversify its sales channels such as on social networks, e-commerce platforms, traditional chain stores,... to connect with customers anytime and anywhere. Therefore, the demand for recruitment in the sales industry has continuously increased in recent times.

Along with that, the job positions in this profession are also expanded such as sales staff, business consultants, sales managers, sales supervisors, department heads, sales directors, etc. Working in the field of sales means candidates are often under pressure in terms of sales efficiency and sales results, so in addition to professional capacity, they also need a strong spirit, solid courage to stand and develop their work in a timely manner and in the best way.

Sales staff have a base salary of about 5-7 million VND/month, department heads and managers receive about 8-15 million VND/month, senior leadership positions of sales managers receive from 25-50 million VND. VND/month. However, besides that, there are many KPI bonuses, so if the work efficiency is high, the amount of money received at the positions is extremely attractive.

The field of sales business brings quite attractive income

Through the above article, Navigos Search hopes that we help candidates with career orientation in accordance with the recruitment needs of the labor market, their own capacity and passion. Successful career future or not depends much on the current career choice decision, so you should learn and consider carefully.

And if you are looking for the above jobs or any middle or high-level positions, do not hesitate to contact Navigos Search directly. You can also submit your CV for a chance to become a potential candidate in Navigos Search's candidate database.

The consulting team at Navigos Search are all very experienced recruitment experts, knowledgeable about each industry and the labor market. Based on a scientific recruitment process, a recruitment expert will actively contact and advise on recruitment requirements, reveal how to negotiate attractive salary and bonus, etc. to candidates to help them shine brighter to conquer employers.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field of recruiting mid- and senior-level personnel, we are proud to have supported and accompanied many candidates across Vietnam to help them achieve success after getting the dream jobs. Whether you are looking for mid-level or senior-level jobs, do not hesitate to contact us.

Navigos Search wishes you to always be confident and develop well in your career path. Don't forget to follow the Linkedin and Facebook page of Navigos Search so you don't miss market information, useful articles on human resources, how to improve your career, etc. Thank you readers for always following Navigos Search!

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