The key skill set to successfully find product management jobs

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Effective product management is one of the secrets to helping large enterprises conquer and achieve three important milestones: Productivity - Quality - Efficiency. So to be able to do that, what are the requirements for a product manager? Mastering the following important skill sets, Navigos Search believes that you will be the best candidate and will be successful in your search for product management jobs!

1. What is product management?

Product Management (PM) is the process that includes all of the stages from planning, design, to testing, and marketing of a product. The product manager will be responsible for product developing, forecasting, pricing, launching, marketing in every stage of a product. Doing this well will help you own a potential product and easily increase profits. 


Product manager is an important position in businesses

Product manager is an important position in businesses

2. The scope of work of a product manager

A product manager will be responsible for guiding teams to develop and implement a product. Depending on each business model and each specific product, product managers will have different responsibilities. Here are some of the most basic tasks: 

  • Research and determine the tastes of users
  • Formulate and develop product promotion strategies
  • Define KPIs, set performance goals
  • Define the vision, outline the roadmap for the product
  • Supervise and follow up with the product implementation team during the production process
  • Propose sales goals that are appropriate to the needs of the user
  • Participate in the development and implementation of product-related marketing campaigns 

3. The requirements for a product manager 

Expression and presentation skills

As a product manager, it is like being a live dictionary of all product related knowledge. That means you are responsible for disseminating all information and knowledge to members inside and outside the business about what is related to the product. Besides, a product manager must also ensure that the direction is correct, clear and comprehensive. The poor presentation of information will cause unnecessary deviations in the product and delay the deadline for completing the set goals.

Therefore, in the process of conveying information about the product, in addition to expressing it coherently and fluently, you need to determine the appropriate expression and word choice for the recipient of the information. The use of common vocabulary and close to the listener's style will help them feel that your content is easier to understand. 

If you would like to improve your expression and presentation skills, you should increase your interaction with your listeners, take advantage of your listening and observation skills. To practice listening skills, you can refer to this article by Navigos 

Search for more information:

The Best Keys To Practice Your Listening Skill


A product manager needs to possess great presentation and expression skills

A product manager needs to possess great presentation and expression skills

Understand customers’ psychology

Most customers currently have a psychological preference for promotion policies, sales, discounts... Therefore, capturing customer psychology is an important factor to help a product manager stimulate buyers' needs and to successfully drive sales.

Therefore, a product manager needs to understand customer needs well to support other departments to come up with suitable solutions. Having a deep understanding of your customers' needs is the key to your success.

The shortest way to understand customer needs and psychology is direct communication. So, take the time to get to know your customers and start by asking how your product has changed their lives. What you need to improve to get absolute satisfaction from them. Refer to some certain questions such as:

  • What do you know about the product?
  • How could this product help with your problems?
  • What features do you love most about our products?

Please take good use of the information of customers' reviews and experiences about the product. Because that's the most effective way to help you know the needs of your customers and the product elements to focus on.

Marketing skills

Marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer product requirements in order to generate profits for a business. To have effective marketing skills, you need to identify:

  • Products offered.
  • Product price.
  • Target market.
  • Product distribution channels.

From there, you know how to come up with ideas and design messages that are consistent and suitable with the product to create awareness and elicit demand from consumers.

New technology application

This is a particularly important skill in the rapidly developing digital age. Currently, the management and operation of most businesses are optimized by modern applications and technologies. Therefore, product managers also need to master this skill to improve work efficiency and productivity.

To hone this skill, you must have an open mind and not be afraid to change. In particular, if you are proficient in the application of new technology, the process of training employees on how to apply will go smoothly and become more effective in the end.


New technology application in product management jobs is crucial

New technology application in product management jobs is crucial

Strategic thinking skills

This skill is accumulated from understanding the market to deciding how to launch a new product.

As a product manager, you need to have knowledge of the product life cycle, audience segmentation, management processes, and sales KPI forecasting. Besides, the person taking product management jobs needs to upgrade themselves with some additional skills such as: problem solving, proficiency in thinking software, risk management, goal orientation,…

Task delegation 

Many people think that task delegation is not a skill. However, this is a completely wrong assumption. In fact, the task delegation is a very difficult job, requiring carefulness and vision, so this skill needs to be trained carefully.

You can't be a good product manager if you don't know how to effectively supervise and delegate tasks to team members. Task delegation skills will help you identify the strengths of each member and assign tasks based on their strengths. At the same time, the tasks that need to be completed will be of the best quality and the whole process does not make employees feel uncomfortable or unfair.

4. Apply for product management jobs at Navigos Search

Indeed, to successfully apply for product management jobs requires a lot of skills. If you are confident that you have fully gathered those qualities and skills, do not hesitate to send your CV to Navigos Search to apply for the product manager position.

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At Navigos Search, we have a team of professional recruitment consultants, who deeply understand the value of human resources and are always ready to support candidates, advise on suitable jobs and discuss with candidates about the most suitable employer. After the candidate is selected, the recruitment specialist continues to support the candidate during the probationary period and after the probationary period.

With a huge database and outstanding strengths, Navigos Search is proud to be the leading provider of high-level recruitment services in Vietnam.

Navigos Search specialists find product management jobs quickly

Right now, if you are looking for product management jobs or your company is in need of recruiting personnel, please contact Navigos Search quickly to receive the best quality services. Surely, the candidate will have the dream job at hand and the employer will reach the greatest talent for the business.

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