The role and importance of Chief Customer Officer in the business

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With a modern business model, the Chief Customer Officers (CCO) has an incredibly significant role in business development. How important are they? What can they contribute to businesses? Let's join Navigos Search to find the answers through this article.

1. Playing a role as a Marketer

Persuasion is of utmost importance in business, helping attract customers. As a result, the Chief Customer Officer is considered the person who directly introduces the business's  products to customers to effectively take care of them.

The Chief Customer Officer will tell intriguing stories containing lots of information on services and products to touch customers' hearts. They grasp customer psychology and embrace market trends to build the most reasonable products and service development strategies , leading the sales team to become talented marketers.

Marketing campaigns should be memorable and easy to spread. Thus, a CCO needs to organize campaigns reasonably to reach users and connect customers to a large community. Only CCOs and talented people can build the appropriate strategies through direct access to regular customers.


CCO plays a remarkably important role in businesses

CCO plays a remarkably important role in businesses

2.  Being a connector

The CCO has the role of connecting customers with the products and services of the business. They seek to convince their potential customers to buy the business's products. Building a loyal customer network through a good relationship with customers is a good step in the brand development process.

In addition, the Chief Customer Officer must also be the one to connect the staff in the company to aim at the common goals of serving customers’ needs and launching products and services onto the market.

This requires Chief Customer Officers to recruit excellent and enthusiastic employees who see eye to eye with them so that they can develop and orient strategies in the fastest time.

3. Embracing the technology trend

Along with the strong development of science and technology, many novel business forms have appeared, leading to significant changes in the business field. Competition from large and small businesses in the market is also high. Large companies and corporations concentrate on selecting customer feedback through modern media to improve and meet customers' needs.

As a leader in business campaigns, the CCO needs to quickly spot emerging technology trends to orient the sales team and human resources toward the modern trends, helping improve customer experience. The CCO also makes the best of technology to build advertising and marketing channels for services and products most effectively.

A  Chief Customer Officer must embrace technology trends well

A  Chief Customer Officer must embrace technology trends well

4. Consulting to the Executive Board

The Chief Customer Officer can handle many business activities without the consent of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). However, for important decisions, the CCO will give handy advice to the CEO because they know the business operations and problems of the business and provide leaders with the necessary information to make the most accurate decisions.

In a PwC survey, 90% of global CEOs said that customers have the greatest influence on their business strategy. Customers are the source of sustainable business development of enterprises. Thus, the CCO and CEO must share a vision on the business development orientation of the customer-based foundation. The CCO is also the one who gives the CEO creative ideas on new products, services, and ways of doing business.

5. Being a consumer

Customers are always considered the center of most businesses. To best meet customers' needs, the Chief Customer Officer must put themselves in the customer's shoes to understand their needs.

The CCO must experience and evaluate services or products as a customer before launching on the market. They need to focus on customer reviews to improve the quality of products and services to affirm the solid position of the corporate brand in the market.

To do that, the CCO must understand consumer tastes and put themselves in the user's shoes to know what they want and need to serve the best. Only when users feel satisfied with the product does the brand assert its name.


The CCO needs to put themselves in consumers' shoes

The CCO needs to put themselves in consumers' shoes 

Each different position in the business will have its role and importance. Chief Customer Officers are considered a captain on a ship floating amid the sea. They always have a steel spirit to overcome difficulties and help the business develop sustainably.

If you are looking for a position of Chief Customer Officer, don't hesitate to visit Navigos Search’s recruitment page to find out the recruitment requirements for a Chief Customer Officer.

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