The best construction project manager recruitment process

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A construction project manager is a person in charge of the entire affairs of a project from engineering, finance, materials, equipment, and machinery to administrative personnel. This is an important position playing a decisive role in the long-term success of the project and the reputation of the business. Therefore, for construction project management recruitment needs to have a professional process to attract talented candidates.

1. To-do list before having the construction project management recruitment

Determine the requirements for candidate's specialty and necessary skills

A project manager has to have the capacity to arrange material orders, manage staff, solve arising problems and ensure the project operates on time, and adequate the quality and expected budget.

Based on the job responsibility and the requirements of the business, you have to determine the candidate's professional requirements. A construction manager needs to have good planning skills, foresight in risk management, leadership skills, good communication, and keep up with technology development,... Generally, a project management position is only spent for candidates having a university degree or higher.

The recruiters need to determine the demands for the construction project management position.

The recruiters need to determine the demands for the construction project management position. 

Draw up the job description

The construction project manager will be on behalf of the leader, control all work and issues in the project. Therefore, after identifying the requirements for the candidates, you should draw up a detailed job description.

The purpose of this step is to give the potential candidate a clear picture of the job that she/he will be in charge of. Besides that, it is also a tool to help recruiters identify potential candidates.

Suggest for the lavish salary 

Research the average construction project manager salary on the market. Then, based on the financial situation of the business in order to propose a specific and attractive salary in the job description. Notice, the recruitment advertisement with attractive salaries and obvious benefits will attract more potential candidates.

2. Standardize domestic construction project manager recruitment process

Finding potential candidates rely on available networking

Instead of rushing to post job descriptions on websites, please give a try asking your friends or acquaintances if they know of any potential candidates. Or even in the domestic business, considering whether an employee is suitable for this position with little or no training time.

You can find potential candidates rely on domestic networking

You can find potential candidates rely on domestic networking

Make clearly about the probationary period

A probationary period of 2-3 months is enough for you to accurately evaluate and decide whether the candidate's capacity is suitable for the position of construction project manager or not. Please give a reasonable quantity with budget and business situation to recruit a construction project manager effectively.

Planning the logical training process

Building a specific training route helps candidates get used to and adapt quickly to the new job and environment. This will pick up more time at first, but the positive results take long-term. You can also discuss the training plan with potential candidates during the interview.

Building a process for accessing work efficiency

To measure the candidates’ work efficiency, you must have an accurate accessing process. With a construction project management position, which factors will you evaluate? Completion schedule, cost, or labor?

Even during the interview, you can discuss the process with the candidate to detect their viewpoint. Will they meet those requirements? A potential candidate will not only have the capacity to complete the job excellently but will also give you lots of great ideas to improve your accessing process.

Compensation and benefits

The lavish compensation and benefits will promote employees' work productivity. Besides, other forms such as salary increases, gifts, ... are also good ways to encourage employees to work effectively. Most of the candidates asked about the company's compensation when interviewed. Therefore, you should prepare and have a frank discussion with the candidate to create credibility and professionalism.

The lavish compensation will attract potential candidates

The lavish compensation will attract potential candidates

The construction project manager recruitment is a smart choice. Because you need more time to focus on other professional work or find new projects for your business. However, to improve work efficiency, finding a talented project manager is the decisive factor. Therefore, please apply the above sharing tips to ensure a professional recruitment process for senior personnel and attract potential candidates.

3. The recruitment for The construction project management on  Navigos Search

Project management is a position requiring candidates with highly specialized knowledge and experience. Therefore, the traditional recruitment process will not create efficiency. Businesses take a long time to recruit or lose time and training costs without finding qualified candidates. So, The wise solution for recruiters is to use a headhunter service.

Navigos Search is the most prestigious headhunting company in providing talent recruitment services in Vietnam. According to various statistics, this headhunter company is in the Top 1  in terms of the quality of mid-and high-level personnel supply services for corporations and businesses.

The strength of Navigos Search is owning a professional consultants team who have a deep understanding of the labor market, the industrial economy, accurately grasping the recruitment requirements of business in searching and interviewing, then recommending the most suitable candidate.

Besides, with a methodical working process, comprehensive database system, and more than 375,000+ available candidate profiles, Navigos Search ensures successful construction project managers recruitment and confidence with the filling rate of vacancy in the business is 100%.

Navigos Search - Top 1 Vietnam's leading middle and high-level talent hunting company 

Known for its culture of quality service and the people-centered maxim, Navigos Search has maintained its position as the leading recruitment service in Vietnam since founded in 2002.

If your business needs construction project managers recruitment and other mid-level and senior-level personnel, please contact Navigos Search to quickly take the best candidate.

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